Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I am back at Watershed Heights today to meet with the contractor about the building. He isn't here yet and it is 9:45, we were supposed to meet at 9. I have like a million other things to do tomorrow is Dino's birthday and still have things to do for his party. The contractor is wasting my time, you know how I am about my time, I HATE WHEN PEOPLE WASTE MY TIME!!! Wait here he comes.... Be Back In A Minute.... Okay I'm back so we just finished looking at the building and he estimated that the total cost to fix the building to livable conditions is going to be 70, 000. I don't know what to do, I can't go home and tell Dino that I need 70,000 to fix this building he is going to lose it. Then i'm going to have to hear his mouth about how stupid it was to let the building get this bad and blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah. This is so stressful. I need to take a walk before I go home so I can prepare for his nonsense. Possibly in the park even though I don't think looking at that will help clear my head. I already know this is going to turn into a fight. I don't know how much more of him I can take....... What in the world is he doing.... is he.... eww... really.... oh my god he is going to scar those poor little children... that must be that creeper Leeroy Jenkins that the tenets were telling me about. Wow that's disgusting, those little children cant even play on the playground with out him ruining it. This place is horrible, there is nowhere close to here that doesn't suck. I got to get home. I think I have had enough time to prepare for the inevitable. I pray doesn't get too mad, cause with the party tomorrow and all the other stuff going on I don't need to be in bed again for a week.


  1. Aaron's morning only spiraled down from the interruption at synagogue. Hoping the weather had cleared up, he was abysmally disappointed when he exited the synagogue and the rain had only increased in magnitude. As a result of the sheer volume of water rushing down the streets, it appeared that the open manhole in the road had backed up, and sewage had joined the rainwater puddling at Aaron's feet. "Was that a head?" he asked himself. "It couldn't be...." he thought. Before he was able to inspect it further, a Mercedes-Benz flew by and splashed a mixture of mud and sewage onto Aaron's pants. The sludge dripped down his pant legs into his galoshes and soaked his wool socks. "Bloody psycho!" he shouted at the woman driving away from Watershed Heights. His day thoroughly ruined, Aaron walked back to his apartment in disgust.

  2. Time: 7:37 am
    Location: Elevator. Still.
    Temperature and Humidity: Same

    Oh. Perhaps not the best time to get off. The landlady, a pretentious Italian girl, seems to be having some sort of confrontation with the teacherish-looking woman who helped me carry the wood into my basement yesterday.
    "The crack in my ceiling is still there, and the rain has made it leak. Heavily. I put in a request a month ago..." the woman says. She's standing directly in the middle of the hall, like the landlady's been trying to sneak past.
    "We're getting right on it," the landlady snaps. Then, cringing back against the wall, "Now, please, I've got to get back to work."

    Time: 7:38 am
    Location: Same
    Temperature and Humidity: Same

    Now the landlady's heading toward the elevator. I refuse to share the same box with someone so unapologetically rude. Building problems are everyone's concern. I brush past her as she gets on, making sure that I knock her with my elbow. Hard.

  3. Clicking footsteps warned of the arrival of someone important. Ceilí turned and noticed the landlady moving down the hallway at a nice clip.
    Ceilí almost had to block the hallway in order to halt the landlady's advance.
    A frustrated "Yes?" from the woman.
    "The crack in my ceiling is still there, and the rain has made it leak. Heavily. I put in a request a month ago..."
    "We're getting right on it," was the absurdly terse response. She seemed to be cringing back from Ceilí. "Now, please, I've got to get back to work," the woman muttered under her breath as she seemed to shrink into the wall in order to pass Ceilí.
    "Is there a time I can expect it handled by?"
